Отзывы. Катя Жу — дизайнер мультимедиа



I made acquaintance with Katya in 2018 when she worked as a photographer and now I choose her as a retoucher. She is very creative (I’d say, really devoted to art), has her own vision and style and really understands the task given to her. Katya is also a pleasant kind of person and is always nice to work with.

Отзывы. Катя Жу — дизайнер мультимедиа



Works quickly and efficiently!

Отзывы. Катя Жу — дизайнер мультимедиа


I’ve known Katya as a photographer before and about a year ago i learned that she’s a designer as well. She made a social media banner for my group vk.com/remcentrspb . It wasn’t 100% perfect right away but she instantly reacted to my requests. I just had to ask to correct here and there — three minutes — ready, job’s done! She offers her own vision of commercial design, understands perfectly well what will discourage or attract potential customers, gives practical tips. I recommend. No delay. Neat. Best solution without hassle. --- Знаю Катю как фотографа, а с год назад узнал еще и как дизайнера. По моим «меркам» сделала шапку для группы ВК: vk.com/remcentrspb Все устроило, конечно, не сразу, но обратная связь — просто моментальная — нужно подправить тут и тут — три минуты — готово — принимай работу! Предлагает свои варианты, прекрасно понимает, что будет «резать глаз» потенциальному клиенту, дает толковые (и работающие) советы в плане оформления. Рекомендую. Без задержек. Четко. Без нервов и с компромиссами.
Отзывы. Катя Жу — дизайнер мультимедиа

Sinneth Soul


It is already my second music project with Katyas' album cover as a designer. Katya has this kind of rare talent of visualizing words and give them a shape.
Many thanks.

Отзывы. Катя Жу — дизайнер мультимедиа



Katya developed a T-shirt design for our retrocomputers community in two days. This print has been used for more than a year, we have also used it for our banner and will likely use again.
Fast and high-quality work for adequate money.

Отзывы. Катя Жу — дизайнер мультимедиа



First i worked with Katya in 2011, i ordered my DJ logo, work was done very creatively, fast, and in highest resolution suitable for printing on a big banner!

Second work was in 2015, i needed a logo for a concert agency. Katya reported on each stage of work, I coordinated all details and nuances, and the result has turned out above all expectations!!!

I recommend Katya as a responsible and creative designer who knows what she does and performs each work with individual approach =)




I've worked with Katya for over 4 years now and love her enthusiasm, her creativity and dedication. She is passionate about art and will give you her honest opinion with regard to your request, always making it better than you could have imagined. I recommend Katya every time! I consider her my friend now.


Louis Hemmings


In 2010, I came across Katya on facebook. By now she was studying art. Conscious as I was that I needed to employ art to attract interest in my poetry, I asked Katya to do a commission for me.

It was well executed but... her second commission, to illustrate my love-poem to rural Russia, blew my mind away. I gasped at the sheer beauty, colouring and style. So much so, that I persuaded Katya to enter it into the Royal Hibernian Academy annual exhibition.

Since 2010 I have given Katya about thirty or forty jobs. I've lost count, to be honest. For me the big "hits" were her work on a number of family dramas (stillbirth etc) and unusual experiences, such as my first night at boarding school, and my poem sequence about my family hand weaving pioneering ...

I commend Katya's energy, workmanship and pathos. As I have ceased writing poetry after 45 years, we no longer work together.

I have mounted many of her images on block mounts, to hang on my walls, and to remind me of our mutually collaborative friendship. I also printed a selection of images of tee shirts, watch faces and mugs. You cannot escape Katya Zhu when you come to my house!